
This blog will be an account of my revision for the MRCS part A in April 2011.

OK its now February, I've procrastinated for the last several months and have had several attempts at starting to study. To be honest, I don't know where to start - there is no structure that I can follow. I have tried a few books and online question banks - both very useful but tend to get boring after a while. Answering online questions is a good way to revise, but I feel more comfortable actually reading first, and tackling the questions along side.

What I am going to do is tackle 5 topics every day, these will be randomly chosen. As I progress I will therefore build up a bank of notes which I will organize according to subject. This may help others revising for the exam by providing a structure for revision and revision notes. 

At the end of every 30 topics I will post some questions on the topics covered.

I will start posting from Saturday 5th Feb 2011 until the a few days before the exam date in April.